Brands are more than just a name or a logo; they embody a story and a legacy that have been built over time. Behind every brand, there is a rich history and a unique set of circumstances that have shaped its identity and contributed to its success. These background stories have become an integral part of the brand, and they serve as an essential tool for building brand loyalty and connecting with customers. There are various brands that you think you know about, but do you really know them? In this series of articles we will be telling you unknown stories behind the known brands.
The Crash that finally resulted in the Rise of BOEING
William Edward Boeing is a name that is synonymous with aviation. His contribution to the field is immeasurable, and he is widely regarded as the pioneer of commercial aviation. However, what many people do not know is that the birth of the Boeing Company was the result of a catastrophic event.
William was born in 1881, in Michigan. He was a timber seller and a real estate agent by profession. In 1909, William Boeing, saw a manned flying machine and he became fascinated by the idea of manned flying machines. During this time, aviation was still in its early stages, and there were only a few individuals who believed that it had the potential to revolutionize the world of transportation. Nevertheless, Boeing saw the possibilities that the aviation industry offered. He purchased an aeroplane called the Model C, from the Glenn L. Martin Company; his interest in aviation was not just theoretical; it was practical.
After purchasing the airplane, Boeing received flying coaching from none other than Martin himself. However, his excitement was short-lived when he crashed the plane. To make matters worse, Martin informed him that replacement parts for the plane would take a few months for making them. This news sent Boeing into a fit of rage, prompting him to declare to his friend George Conrad Westervelt ,”We could build a better plane ourselves and build it faster.”
Westervelt, being the supportive friend that he was, agreed to help. Together, they set out to build the B & W Seaplane, an amphibian biplane that boasted exceptional performance. The success of this project inspired Boeing to pursue a career in the aircraft industry. He purchased a facility near Seattle and transformed it into his very own factory; he named it the Pacific Aero Products Company. The Boeing Model 1, a single-engine, float-equipped biplane, was the first aircraft made here. The company was eventually renamed as Boeing Airplane Company.
After the crash of the Model C, Boeing realized that one of the main reasons for the accident was that the plane was constructed of parts that were neither well-integrated nor standardized. This made it difficult to maintain and service the plane properly. Boeing was determined to create a plane that was better-designed and more reliable. He began by incorporating his knowledge of the timber industry, which he had gained from his family’s business, and applied it to the aviation industry. He understood that the use of metal alloys for airplanes was the way forward, as it would provide a strong structure that could endure the rigours of flight.
Boeing began experimenting with different alloys and designs, and eventually, he came up with a revolutionary design that was made entirely of metal. This was the first time that such a design had been attempted, and it represented a major breakthrough in aviation. The resulting plane was called the Model 80A, and it was the first commercial airliner to have a fully-metal monocoque structure.
The Model 80A was an instant success, and it quickly became the standard for commercial airliners of the future. The design was so successful that it was subsequently used for military aircraft as well. The Model 80A was the first plane to demonstrate that a metal structure could be superior to a wooden one, and it paved the way for the modern aviation industry.
During World War I, Boeing constructed “flying boats” for the US Navy. In the following decades, Boeing achieved great success by selling its trainers, pursuit planes, observation craft, torpedo planes, and patrol bombers to the U.S. military. Thereafter Boeing ventured into airmail services, and in 1928 the Boeing Airplane & Transport Corporation was established to encompass both manufacturing and airline operations. This move allowed the company to not only manufacture aircraft but also operate airlines, which was a ground-breaking development.
Boeing’s iconic bombers, the B-17 Flying Fortress and the B-29 Super fortress, were instrumental in the allied winning the World War II. These aircrafts were pivotal in shaping the course of history and cementing Boeing’s reputation as a leader in aviation technology.
Today, the Boeing Company as we all know is a renowned American multinational corporation that designs and manufactures a wide range of products ranging from aeroplanes to rockets and missiles to satellites. It is one of the large global aerospace manufacturing body.
William Boeing’s crash of the Model C was a turning point in the history of aviation. It was the catalyst that drove him to create a plane that was safer and more reliable than anything that had been seen before.
This story proves, How You Deal with a Problem Largely Reflects Who You Are and What you will be!