Trademark Registration Requirements: Filing a Trademark Application in India
The following details are required for filing a trademark application in India:
- The trademark you wish to register
- In respect of what goods or services is the mark used or proposed to be used?
- Is your mark a label? If so please send a soft copy of the same.
- Have you used the trademark before?
- If yes, since when?
- If no, when do you propose to use the mark?
- Where do you propose to use the mark?
- Are you a manufacturer or merchant or a service provider?
- Are you a sole proprietary concern or a partnership or incorporated under the Companies Act?
- Give full names of proprietor or partners.
- Is the partnership registered? Please enclose a copy of partnership deed.
- Full name and address of principal place of business or registered address of the applicant
- Address for correspondence with name of the contact person, his designation, telephone, fax and e-mail particulars
For your convenience, given below are some of the most relevant forms required for filing applications for Trade Marks in India.
Form No. |
Title |
Download |
Form of authorisation of an Agent |